With more businesses and individual workers seeking ways to "recession-proof" themselves, could the economy emerge from hard times stronger and more innovative than ever?
Recession-proofing workers might focus on becoming more fearless and innovative. Take your ideas to the boss rather than allow uncertainties to back you into your cubicle, urges Robin Fisher Roffer, author of THE FEARLESS FISH OUT OF WATER (Wiley, 2009). "It may seem scary to make such a bold move in tenuous times," she says, "but leaders will appreciate any innovation that will get business moving right now."
Businesses, too, are encouraged to be fearlessly proactive rather than cautious and reactive. Hard times are the time for action, suggests consultant Suzanne Caplan, because inaction "spawns a pattern of victimization, and pins us down into a habit of only reacting to the bad, instead of planning for the better."
SOURCES: www.wfs.org
Robin Fisher Roffer, author of FEARLESS FISH OUT OF WATER
Suzanne Caplan, founder and chief blogger, www.womenetcetera.com