Nanotechnology — the manipulation of materials and machines at the nano-scale — one billionth of a meter — promises exciting new developments. Interviews with a group of nanotechnology experts yielded this list of likely developments:
Two to five years from now:
Car tires that need air only once a year.
Complete medical diagnostics on a single computer chip.
Go-anywhere concentrators that produce drinkable water from air.
Five to 10 years:
Powerful computers you can wear or fold into your wallet.
Drugs that turn AIDS and cancer into manageable conditions.
Smart buildings that self-stabilize during earthquakes or bombings.
10 to 15 years:
Artificial intelligence so sophisticated you can't tell if you're talking on the phone with a human or a machine.
Paint-on computer and entertainment video displays.
Elimination of invasive surgery, since bodies can be monitored and repaired almost totally from within.
Source - World Future Society