- Live presentations on the web!: "!
Welcome to, a new site for making and sharing presentations on the web. This site is just getting started, so if something's missing, or you can't find what you need, please let us know! We'll help out as best we can.
What is it?
With, you can make presentations - like slideshows, or outlines - right in your web browser. When you're done, you can share your presentations with anyone, anywhere, just by sending them a link. Want to see an example? Here's a presentation about us.
[Edit presentations in your web browser]
How does it work?
It all runs right here, in your web browser. You can create your presentation, save it, modify it, update it, whatever - then click 'publish' and you'll get a link you can use to share it with everyone. The best way to understand is to try it out!
How do I get started?
You'll need a user account (it's free!) so click 'sign up' above. Once you have an account, click 'presentation builder', above, to start. If you have any questions, check out the forum or ask us!"