www.inewsnetwork.com - the leading global network for broadcast monitoring: "inewsnetwork is the leading global network upon which media monitors proactively search, filter, and redistribute relevant international content to their clients.
inewsnetwork is a technology company providing enhanced services to the global media monitoring industry. inewsnetwork enables media monitoring firms to source, share, and re-distribute out-of-market media content to clients from local, national, and international sources.
Collectively, inewsnetwork affiliates share and distribute broadcast content that reaches all major media markets in 30 countries on 5 different continents. We offer coverage of broadcast media in:
Americas (2) - United States, Canada
Europe (18) - United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Turkey, Belgium, Russia, Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and FYR Macedonia
Australia | Asia - (9) Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, New Zealand
Africa - (1) South Africa
Market trials are currently underway with other content providers from key regions in Europe, the Pacific Rim, and the Americas."